Job Well Done

Football has been such a major part of my life since I was six years old. You couldn’t come to my house and not see a football. However, those of you who know me well also know I love sports. It’s been a strong passion of mine. Yes, this site is known for all things football. 24/7 & 365. On two different occasions, I’ve come to this site to offer tributes to some iconic athletes who have passed away. The first happened in 2016 when the greatest boxer ever passed away and that’s Muhammad Ali. The next came on Sunday, January 26th, 2020 when NBA legend and Los Angeles Lakers great Kobe Bryant tragically lost his life in a helicopter accident. Today, the world of sports lost another icon. NBA icon and Celtics great Bill Russell has passed away at the age of 88.

Now, Mr. Russell was way before my time. I often heard stories from both of my late grandparents. He’s by far the greatest Boston Celtic ever. I’ve always said there are certain athletes you just affiliate with particular organizations. Hank Aaron with the Atlanta Braves, Jackie Robinson with the Dodgers, and the late Tom Seaver with the New York Mets. Mr. Russell is in that same conversation with the other gentlemen I mentioned. When I think of the great winners in sports, he’s one of them. In 1955 and 56, he won back-to-back championships in college at the University of San Francisco. In 1957, 59, 60,61,62,63,64,65 and 66, he won championships in the NBA. Nine to be exact. In 1968, Mr. Russell became the first African-American to coach in the NBA. He would go on to win two more championships. Altogether if you count the NCAA titles, this man would go on to win a total of 13 championships. He’s often regarded as one of the greatest NBA players ever. Some have said he’s the greatest winner in all of sports. He’s opened the doors for many African-Americans to enter the NBA. He played during a time when racism was very prominent.

We all know the accolades and everything he accomplished during his playing days. While he was a great basketball player, he was a greater man who would become a larger-than-life icon in the game of basketball. I always saw Mr. Russell with a smile on his face and he looked like one of the nicest people you could be around. I’ve read nothing but positive things about him. Despite all that he encountered, he always handled himself with class. Not only was he a champion on the playing surface, but he was also a champion in life. He deserved every flower he was given. My condolences go out to his family, those who knew him, the Boston Celtics organization, and the sports community. What a life lived. Job well-done sir.

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